
This is the documentation for django-brasil-municipios, a GeoDjango app with all Brazilian municipalities and their geographical polygons, with data downloaded from the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) website.

Demo Code

>>> from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point
>>> from brasil_municipios.models import Municipio
>>> cristo_redentor = Point(-43.210493, -22.951906, srid=4326)
>>> municipio_cristo = Municipio.objects.get(geometry__contains=cristo_redentor)
>>>, municipio_cristo.geocode, municipio_cristo.state
('RIO DE JANEIRO', '3304557', 'RJ')


First of all, your Django project must meet the requirements for GeoDjango, including a spatial database and geospatial libraries.

Install app

You can install django-brasil-municipios in your environment from the Python Package Index:

$ pip install django-brasil-municipios

Update settings

On your project’s settings, add 'brasil_municipios' to your INSTALLED_APPS list.

Load data

First, run django-brasil-municipios‘s migrations in order to create the app’s tables in the database:

$ python migrate brasil_municipios

Then, you can run the following command to actually download the Brazilian municipalities’ data:

$ python loadmunicipios

That will take some time to complete. Once the data is successfully imported, you can start a Django shell and run the example shown before in the Demo Code.

Load data for selected states

If you don’t want to load data for the municipalities of all the Brazilian states, you can specify the desired states with the --state flag.

Load data only for São Paulo (SP):

$ python loadmunicipios --state SP

Load data only for Tocantins (TO) and Maranhão (MA):

$ python loadmunicipios --state TO --state MA

Django Admin

If your project uses Django Admin, django-brasil-municipios will appear in it, and you will be able to view the municipalities in a map:

_images/Admin_001.png _images/Admin_002.png _images/Admin_003.png